
Video / Code Linking Service

Created time
Nov 21, 2022 06:48 AM
Motivation: An issue with programming tutorials is that it can be difficult to follow along with the code in the video. Build a recording and user-consumption tool, letting users view the video's code in a supplemental code editor. • The recorder might be in the form of an Atom/Visual Studio Code package, and the user-consumption side can be a [#Browser] extension that attaches to YouTube instead of a whole new video platform, which is a lot of work. • This is interesting from a data structures perspective, since there's versioning (like Google Docs but with more timestamps). "Recording" code also gets really tricky with video editing, as timestamps get all messed up. • MVP: Start out by having a limited number of manual-snapshots of code per video (<5). Add markers to the video as to where these snapshots are. • Extend: Then expand to building a real-time code recorder and client. [#Hard]