
Codenames Solver

Created time
Nov 21, 2022 07:39 AM
Codenames is a pretty interesting game from an algorithms perspective. I think the "optimal" move is a signal word that maximizes the number of friendly agents and minimizes the rival agents and assassins, but if your team is behind, you're more likely to take risks. • One Approach: Use word2vec or pre-trained word vectors and/or word associations APIs to create a forest of related terms for each board. Build heuristics to find common words and identify the best move, using different weights for friendly agents, bystanders, rival agents, and assassins. Build a "spymaster" algorithm and a "field operative" algorithm. • Build a [#Frontend] if desired or even a chatbot version! This project can probably be made into a research paper or article as well. • Links: Game on Amazon, Strategy Article, Words ListAlso: [#Easy] Project – Make the game!