
Building a More Educational Jupyter Notebook

Created time
Nov 21, 2022 07:37 AM
Jupyter Notebook / Lab is a pretty great open-source software that can also be used for teaching people Python (and other languages), but it's not very intuitive for beginning programmers. • There's a lot of UI bloat if you don't need all the features, confusing flow, and missing features that are useful for education. • Create separate clients for educators and students. This might also be done as a [#Browser] extension or [#Frontend] work. • For educators: Let them "lock" text cells or portions of code cells so students can't edit them. Let them specify "default" state for given code cells. • For students: Let them add "Note" text cells that are a different color. Let users reset the state of cells to their defaults. Simplify the toolbar, removing unnecessary items. • Simplify state management somehow; it can be confusing for state to be carried over cell to cell. Maybe have "global" cells that are always in memory and every other cell has independent state.