
Adaptive Education Lessons

Created time
Nov 21, 2022 07:36 AM
Motivation: Most physical and online lessons are taught in a linear way, teaching every student in the same way. By getting a sense of student mastery, you can adjust what content to show them, additional resources to provide, and the phrasing to use. • Make it easy for people to create and consume these lessons. • MVP: Let users select their mastery level from [Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced] and let educators "block" textual content into what's shown to each group. (e.g. This block of content is for Beginner and Intermediate. This is for Advanced only. ... and so on.) • Moonshot: Add assessment tools that determine mastery, let each group view other explanations if desired. Do this for videos instead of text-based content. • See: Interactive Web-based Textbooks.